Refugee / Justice

Refugee, Justice & Outreach

The Refugee ministry sponsors displaced people around the world in partnership with The United Church of Canada and/or with a local co-sponsor.  We help our sponsored refugees as they seek to rebuild their lives in Regina. 

We believe that it is our Christian imperative to share ourselves and our resources with refugees, and by doing so we are helping to bring about a more just society and world.

As of January 2025 we are supporting nine refugee families in their first year of life in Canada.

Volunteers from Knox-Met assist with the Saturday lunches at First Baptist Church 4-5 times a year and also supply sandwiches to Waterston House on a regular basis.

We also collect hats, scarves, mitts, and blankets to distribute during the cold months of the year. We have a large collection of yarn at the church – if you are someone looking for a knitting or crochet project, come get some yarn and knit for someone who needs some warmth.